„Let the Church Declare and Display Christ Together“ („Möge die Kirche gemeinsam Christus verkünden und verkörpern“). So lautete das Motto des 4. Lausanner Kongresses, der vom 21. bis 28. September in Incheon bei Seoul stattgefunden hat. Die Lausanner Bewegung hat sich seit ihrer Gründung 1974 zum Ziel gesetzt, dass „die ganze Kirche das ganze Evangelium der ganzen Welt“ bringen soll. Etwa 5.000 Menschen aus mehr als 200 Ländern kamen zusammen. Darunter auch eine deutsche Delegation von rund 80 Personen. Zur Liebenzeller „Fraktion“ zählten Jana Kontermann, Simon Herrmann und ich.
Hiermit bekommt ihr Anteil an den Themen der Bibelarbeiten aus der Apostelgeschichte, einigen Kernaussagen sowie einigen Reflektionsfragen.
Zusammenfassung der Bibelarbeiten
1. The Global Church together in God’s mission
„Collobaration is a response to who Jesus is.” Jurie Kriel
„The four most dangerous words in the global church are: I. DON’T. NEED. YOU.” Michael Oh
„We need to advance the relational, partnering and reciprocal style of mission seen in the early church.” Chris Wright
2. The coming of the promised spirit – no mission without Power
God’s Mission empowered by the Holy Spirit
„Mission is not possible without full conviction and affirmation of the role of the Holy Spirit." Femi Adeleye
„Those of us who believe in the work of the Holy Spirit but tend to sideline him by a mindset that depends primarily on modern management techniques, abundant finances, sufficient human resources, statistics as measure of growth and impact, and the like, need to repent and re-submit fully to absolute dependence of the Holy Spirit.” Femi Adeleye
„Every church, wherever it may be, is called to share in God’s mission – a mission that is local, regional and world-wide in scope – beginning in its own ‘Jerusalem’.” Femi Adeleye
Question to consider: Where do you see the power of the Holy Spirit at work in your part of the world today? How can we as individuals and groups of people depend more on the Holy Spirit
3. The missional community as God’s new society
God’s Mission through the Witness of his people
„The being of the church in itself is mission.” Anne Zaki
„When truth telling replaces our fearful silence then the church will have peace.” Anne Zaki
„The mission of God is in the hands of ordinary people.” Anne Zaki
„It is time the church restored the art of creating safe spaces for healthy conversations that lead to peace and unity.” Anne Zaki
Question to consider: In what ways can you give more priority to striving for such a kind of missional community marked by love, holiness and radical discipleship in your church life and in your mission agenda?
„Europe is not primarily Post Christian but pre-revival. … Only God can send revival. We cannot make it happen, but we can posture ourselves, pray for it, and remove impediments through personal and corporate repentance”. Sarah Breuel
„When revival happens, sleeply Christians wake up, nominal Christians get converted, and far to reach are dramatically brought to faith.” Tim Keller
4. Persecution and Mission
God’s Mission amidst challenge and adversity
„Persecution never kills the church. But a compromised Gospel will". Patrick Fung
„The first Christians lived to be forgotten so that Christ would be remembered.” Patrick Fung
„The greatest manifestion of love = suffering.” Brother from Iran
Question to consider: How can we nurture a helpful spiritual discipline in standing together with the suffering part of the global church?
5. Christian witness in the workplace
God’s mission in cities and the workplace
„Witnessing in the workplace is woven into the DNA of mission in the Early Church.” Julia Gerschhagen
„You are a priestly presence in your workplace and your work is a holy calling.” Julia Garschagen
„We are all united in one holy calling.” Julia Garschagen
Question to consider: What could the church do to encourage and support those who are witnessing in the workplace?
6. Christlike servanthood
God’s mission through intergenerational disciples
„Leadership is defined by humility, compassion, and a deep commitment to serving others, following Christ’s example.” Philip Ryken
„Friendship is the foundation of collaboration.” Philip Ryken
„Jesus calls us from an expectation of win/win relationships (where I want to get for myself as much as possible from a partnership) to a LOOSE/LOOSE relationship so all can win in the end.” Philip Ryken
„To collaborate intergenerationally is to commit yourself to an outcome that is greater than what one generation could produce alone.” Philip Ryken
Question to consider: What are some practical ways to cultivate stronger servanthood in your church, your organization, and your personal ministry?
7. The gospel to the ends of earth under Christ’s reign
God’s mission to the ends of the earth through the dynamic mission’s movement from the majority world
„We proclaim the gospel by being people of faith, prayer, unity and people of courage who share and live out the gospel.” Ronaldo Lidòrio
„Don’t send far away those who are not serving near.” Ronaldo Lidòrio
„The Holy Spirit gives us boldness. Courage isn’t a result of training, knowledge or experience. It comes through fervent prayer.” Ronaldo Lidòrio
"How does the GOSPEL relate to CULTURE? The Gospel is:
• SUPRA-CULTURAL: It contains the complete truth about people and their societies as revealed in the Scriptures (Proverbs 30, 2-4).
• MULTI-CULTURAL: It brings people from all nations around Jesus (Revelation 5,9).
• INTER-CULTURAL: promoting spiritual fellowship among people from different cultures (Acts 2,46).
• CROSS-CULTURAL: It should be sent from one culture to another culture through missions (Acts 1,8).
• CULTURAL: It is about Jesus himself. God who lived among us, spoke out language, and paid for our sins (John 3,16).
• COUNTER-CULTURAL: It confronts people in their own culture, producing real personal and eternal transformation (Acts 26,18).”
Weitere Infos: www.lausanne.org
Hier geht es zum Seoul-Statement: www.lausanne.org/statement/the-seoul-statement
Hier geht es zum State of the Great Comission Report: www.lausanne.org/report